Twitter integration

Twitter & 10to8 Online Booking Software Integration

About Twitter


Twitter is the social network that shows what's happening around the world in real time. Share your ideas in Tweets, follow hashtags to keep up with trends, and join in the global conversation.

Setting up the 10to8 – Twitter integration via Zapier is a breeze, and it will help you to get more bookings straight from your Twitter profile.

This Zap will allow you to automatically tweet everytime a booking happens in your 10to8 free online booking system. What’s more, you can choose to include the URL to your booking page, use relevant hashtags, tag us in the post or even create a tweet with an image.

It’s worth noting that you can also set up the same integration with Facebook.

If you’re already active on social media, then this is another fantastic way to gain more bookings.

Twitter & Sign In Scheduling Zapier templates

Twitter listing screenshots

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